About Us
Striving for a vibrant, equitable, and prosperous future for over 60 years
The Allyn Foundation was founded in 1954 with a donation of $5,000 from W.G. Allyn and $5,000 from his father William Noah Allyn, as well as a $7,000 gift from Welch Allyn. Over its 60-year history the Allyn Foundation has grown exponentially. In 2006, William G. Allyn died and true to his kind hearted and caring nature, he bequeathed much of his estate to the Foundation. From 2006-2015, the Foundation’s assets of $30m provided many opportunities for community impact through the Foundation’s grant making and initiatives.
In 2015, the Allyn Foundation underwent another seismic event. With the sale of the family owned business, Welch Allyn, some family members decided to contribute significant funds to increase the impact of the Allyn Foundation. Donations to the Allyn Foundation by Bill and Penny Allyn, Lew and Dawn Allyn; their children Eric, David and Mark Allyn, Tasha Allyn, Tanya Dillon and Josh Allyn: and their grandchildren Meaghan, Noah, David, Kaleen, Julia, Grace and Mo Allyn, Hanna Dillon, and Sonya and Luke Falcone have increased the Foundation’s assets to over $132m. With the increase in the Foundation’s assets, the Foundation changed its name from the Allyn Foundation to the Allyn Family Foundation.
Elsa Allyn Soderberg and her family have established the Elsa Allyn Soderberg Family Fund at the Central New York Community Foundation.

Our BoarD

Mark B. AllynPresident
Meaghan O. AllynVice-President
Eric R. AllynTreasurer
Josh J. AllynSecretary
Margaret M. O’ConnellExecutive Director
In Memoriam
Janet “Penny” Allyn
Amy G. Allyn
Dave Allyn
David M. Allyn
Dawn N. Allyn
Grace Allyn
Julia O. Allyn
Kaleen O. Allyn
Lew F. Allyn
Mo Allyn
Noah Allyn
W. Scott Allyn
Tasha Allyn
William F. Allyn
Hanna Allyn Dillon
Tanya Allyn Dillon
Luke Allyn Falcone
Sonya Allyn Falcone